Phillip Holt
Phillip Holt has worked in the healthcare industry for more than 38 years. His interest in the healthcare industry began during his senior year of high school soon after a dear family friend had a stroke. He went on to earn his Bachelors and Masters degree in Communicative Disorders. Through the years he has worked in several management and executive positions for companies focused on the delivery of Physical, Occupational and Speech therapy services. Currently Phillip works in sales for a dental insurance carrier.
Following the passing of his father Glen Holt, Phillip stepped into the Chairman role of the Annette Funicello Research Fund for Neurological Research. His father Glen and wife Annette co-established the research fund after Annette was diagnosed with MS. Phillip was raised in the central region of California on a racehorse and agricultural farm. Making memories with his immediate family is a priority during his free time. He has a son James, daughter-in-law Heather and 3 grandchildren (Trinity 14, Thaddaeus 6 and Josiah 2).